Factors that affects Job satisfaction and how to increase them - Apna Curiosity | Making New World


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Monday, June 8, 2020

Factors that affects Job satisfaction and how to increase them

                 Factor Affecting Job Satisfaction

Are you the kind of guy who now and then questions themselves about their own work. And ever questioned yourself Why am I doing this job? I don't like this job. Why am I doing it?
Another year goes past then also you are there only thinking about, what the hell am I doing?
If that's you, well, I'm going to get you through four factors which affect job satisfaction, And I am not talking about external things like you working in a shitty place. The workplace is toxic, your management is hopeless like others do because those things are not in your hands. Well, it is a hash of me to say you that but it is the truth.”
I will only talk about things that are in your control, things that you can change yourself
and take action on because that's what I'm all about, no bullshit condolence here only real-life truth which has helped many people who are stuck in that nine to five job(which never ends at 5:00 in the evening)

Factors Affecting Job satisfaction/Employee Satisfaction:-

So let's move forward on the four factors, which I have decided to tell you C.R.A.P yea guys you heard me right these are the steps/analysis of yourself which I think can tell you why? and what is keeping you dissatisfied in your workplace?

1. Change

And I don't mean change like changing your shirt, wear something different to work. I don't mean that. Here I mean to change jobs, change business, change what you're doing so you're more aligned to your values. You're more aligned to your purpose, your passion,
So a lot of people are doing something for the wrong reasons. And I am sure many people, you hear about it all the time. They go to university, they go to college and study because their parents want them to become like doctors, engineers or they want them to become an accountant or whatever it is, and then they're stuck in this job that they didn't like for the rest of their life.
They get a pressure of what they're going to look like in front of their friends and their family if they leave that job and then go do something they actually really love and take that risk so you can be happy, but you're worried about How that's going to look if you left your job. So then it's very, very common. But enough is enough. It's a new decade. And it is the perfect time to make a change in a new decade. Take the slate and create job satisfaction because you are the only one responsible for your job satisfaction.
People are mostly just in the wrong job. So yeah, you need to make some changes. And I talk about this a lot, but pretty much you just need to have a look at you... what lights you up, you like, what you love to talk about, what you like doing and write those down, and then you kind of look at that. Either you seek out a coach, seek out a mentor, chat to a best friend or someone that can give you help to brainstorm this.
If you're stuck for things, brainstorm with them. Otherwise, I say get a coach. I mean that's one of the first things I do with clients which actually make sure that they're in alignment to their values and what they're doing so they can be happy, fulfilled, and successfully paid for what they love.

2. Results

The results that you're getting in your business, the results that you're getting for the company
you're working for.  A lot of the time job satisfaction comes down to how you're actually doing. No one wants to perform poorly. You don't want to run a business badly.
Whatever your metric is, whatever your Key Performance Indicator(KPIS0 is, you don't want to perform below what you anticipate or what is expected of you. That is a horrible feeling.

Well for that case, you need to kind of look at your skillset, your application, your attitude, you need to look at maybe your habits that you're doing and how you can improve those things. Do you need a dual course? Do you need to consume information and more knowledge? Do you need to practice more? Are you focusing on the right things? Are you focusing on things that are going to give you the maximum results or are you kind of just spending time on things that aren't contributing to that?
So you need to kind of prioritize what you're doing. It's probably a good idea as well to tie in case of performing at a high level, what is that organization to give you?
So you should actually get a pad and paper and write down performance, performing better in my job, performing better in my business, and then next to that put how is this going to actually affect my life. What are some good things that can come from performing better and just write those things down? 
Then you've got have your results or output or more reasoning as to why performing better is going to be good for you because it's definitely going to be better for your job satisfaction, your business, your success, your happiness, and your wealth. So if you're performing better, you're going to earn more money. So it is a worthwhile exercise to go through.
So if you're in a sales environment, for example, then take some time with someone who's at
the top of their game. Pick their brain, see if you're [inaudible] and listen to some of their calls.
So just find ways to up your performance. I know it's a bit of extra work. I get it, I've been there, but it's worth it. And if you have your reasons why performing better, what it's going to do for you, writing those results down, then that's going to be the driving force, the driving factor for you to do it.

3. Areas

The third one of C-R-A-P is A which describes  Areas of Life. So how are you in the other areas of your life? How's your health? How's your fitness? How are your relationships?
How's your relationship with your partner if you've got a partner? How about your family? How about your friends? What about your personal development area? What are you doing to grow and to learn? So are you actually getting up, you're exercising, you're eating the right foods, are you meditating in the morning?
Now that question is for everyone, what are you doing to contribute to your overall  well being? Because it has a direct correlation to your happiness, to your fulfillment, to your success. And you need to make sure that you're at least filling up the cups in these areas as well. Because if you're 2/10 in health, So you will be grinding and grinding and grinding which will be hard at your business as you're not focusing on the other areas of life, that's not going to help you.
And I get people to say they don't have enough time to do this, they don't have time...
but you know what? I don't believe that. I think that there's people that are disorganized and organized. There's people that are efficient and not as efficient. And I know that some people have it really tough, I know that, but generally, people can fit time in.
So have a look at the other areas of your life and that's going to go a long way with

4. Perspective(Way of seeing things)

And the last one, the P is perspective. What is your perspective of things? Have you got a good perspective on what is going on at your work? What's going on in your business? What's your mindset like? What's your attitude? So are you someone that might have an entitlement mentality?
                                   Ways of seeing things are called Perspectives.
Are you actually thinking that you're entitled to things that you're not yet? If you've been there for a week and yet you want to go for a management job when you have had no management experience, and then you're getting pissed off with yourself and feeling like there's no satisfaction because you're not getting what you want.
Well, you've got many kinds of perspectives on how things are happening. Have you got clear and realistic targets in place that you can work towards? What is your attitude towards your job?
Have you got perfection, procrastination? Are you trying to get things done perfectly to a tee and just ended up sabotaging  yourself
So what is your attitude? What is your perception of things? Are you being unreasonable or are you putting false expectations? You got to be asking yourself these questions.
What is your mind perception? And does that sync with reality? 
So all around, you should look at C.R.A.P., and see what you can do or you should do in your life, in your work with your mindset.
Do you need to change jobs?
Do you need to enhance your jobs?
Do you need to change things? Or
Is it something else which is bothering you?
So Good luck with it and find what is the question bothering you in your life which you call as  Job Satisfaction Factor
And Hit me up with any questions in the comments section that you have. I will be more than happy to answer everyone.
Stay Tuned Stay Updated...

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