what is Job Satisfaction and its real meaning, definition - Apna Curiosity | Making New World


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Friday, May 8, 2020

what is Job Satisfaction and its real meaning, definition

Job satisfaction or Employee satisfaction in basic terminology is defined or explained as "A simple scale in which human workforce/labourers happiness is measured by management/organisation or by any employee themselves to analyse their comfort in the workplace with respect to some parameters."

Here I will be talking only about Job Satisfaction from an individual perspective to know more about

As you all know the definition is not similar for the same term by every author how is it possible for these case also so before answering the conclusion of this topic. I would like to share the different meaning of the same word and hope you find your answer fast before me coming to the conclusion.

 Following Are Explanations From Different Sources About Job Satisfaction:-

1.What Wikipedia Says 

It is a measure of workers feeling or happiness with their job, including all aspects i.e. which work they like to do and what they don't like to do in the workplace. Also, there have been various models created worldwide to understand the concept of job satisfaction and complexity involved in it. Regarding the methods widely used to predict human contentedness refer here.

2. What Research Papers Says

Since the 1930s all organisations are carrying out a lot of surveys to find the right thing which has the ability to drives the workforce peace.  Yes, this is strange but our government and many multi-national companies are investing millions of dollars every year on research just to know how to keep their company employees happy and earn profits by also keeping them satisfied. I was also surprised like you guys to hear this until I found out this article as proof which amazed me. I know you might be excited to the know the results of the experiment conducted since years but up till now, nothing is found concrete on this section of the research and also after investing so much the employee engagement surveys score are very low.

According to many research papers published, they define it "As a measure of how happy people are with their job and the surrounding environment in which they work keeping in mind all the benefits company/organisation is providing to them." 

3. What Quora Says 

I hope you guys know what quora is ok no worries if you don't FYI it is just a platform of question and answer website where people put their thoughts or random question and get them answered by everyone around the globe. I know you might be thinking why I am advertising about that website here. So before rushing to conclusion let me tell you that I have conducted a survey regarding the topic of job satisfaction to let people answer their own problems and I was seriously amazed by the quorans (people who use quora account to comment) response. Wanna see just have a look at some of the answered screenshots below.

To know more refer here what quorans think/explain working culture expectations to be.

After getting information about many people perspective definition you might have understood how important these issues are in everyone's life and how underrated this topic is in our society which only results in all people dissatisfied with their work. You might be surprised but the same issues are faced by 80% of people like us and then we are looking for job change as an option to improve the scenario instead of looking the factors which drive our lives to happiness/pleasure.

No no, no guys I am not telling you to visit career counselling services to get a good view of your factors before taking your career decision because there are a lot of reasons to why I am not encouraging you to visit them see here Why we should not waste our hard-earned money on career counsellors. But this evaluation is for oneself is very important Explained career counselling importance in our decision-making process and I want you to do this homework by yourself in order to not spent your life in the 80% of the workforce.

By viewing the same word definition from different sources and from many different points of views. I hope you guys may have figure out until now what is the importance of workplace satisfaction for your life.

Well, I myself know how hard it is to achieve job satisfaction because I was also in your shoes at some point in my life. To be frank this blog will not give you all your answers regarding job satisfaction because LIMITATION FOR SOMEONE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMEONE But then to will try my level best to resolve all your queries. So be prepared and fasten your seat belts because you will be learning a lot about job satisfaction here.

 What Do You Mean By Job satisfaction ????

So you might have found the definition that explains your situation of office ideal condition but the real question now is the definition much easy to apply in real life as it seems while understanding. Obviously, the answer is a straight NO because of the word PARAMETER this has always been a great debate topic for every person on the planet from all walks of life. 

Don't believe me when you can analyze that by yourself. If you observe carefully on the above description by various sources of Wikipedia/peoples/research papers all they concentrate on two words which are Measurement/Scales and all these terms are usually used by them in their illustration for explaining of Factors/Parameter which says how happy an individual is in the workplace environment.

Now don't take your question back home and examine your own parameter/factors to increase satisfaction at the office and personal level in life and comment below to let others know and help them to figure out their own one. For a better understanding on your side of limitation view these factors which affect job satisfaction. 

For your information as far as work is concerned let me tell you a secret work never keeps anyone satisfied throughout the globe in the majority but factors do. So do choose your's one with care.

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Stay Tuned Stay Updated...………


1 comment:

  1. Hi Rishabh,

    Truly a great effort to bring out nice references to defend and clarify your justifications regarding Job Satisfaction. Everything looks to be on point.

    But I would like to add, as per my experience so far, I do believe most of them are aware that the term "Job Satisfaction" is subjective and depend upon individuals goals and expectation from the job and related environments.

    I believe that no one can achieve 100% job satisfaction;As we all know that the scenarios(parameters) related to job satisfaction keep on changing as we grow (with responsibilities and financial requirements). Somewhere, we have to find a correct optimal tradeoff between our job satisfication and current situation. The result of this tradeoff cannot be constant and needs to be altered whenever our definition for any one of those changes in our life.

    I would like to see a blog from you stating measures that one can take to optimize this tradeoff. Which will help every individual achieve maximum Job satisfaction even in its current situation and whatever Job he has.

    Aim is to get the best out of what we have because human is a greedy animal and will always look for more and more.

    NOTE: Everything I mentioned is just my personal opinion. Kindly do consider it has a humble request/opinion.

    Rajkumar V.


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