Counselling : A Money Making Business - Apna Curiosity | Making New World


In this blog, I will try to explain about Career Counselling approach and help people finding their own career, Resume Building , Job-related topics/impact in their professional career and guide them to make a clear decision regarding their career/dream goal in life.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Counselling : A Money Making Business

Career Counselling: A Money Making Business

Hi Fellows, so u might be thinking why I call Career Counselling as a new era of money-making business. Have you ever wondered, how large is the accountability of career counsellor's in our life and the importance of choosing the correct path option? All thanks to the society where we live around.
Still, wondering How ?. Let me help you, society plays a vital role in our every decision-making process and the way they structure the importance of situation regarding profession choices leaves us frightened of failures in our life. These views by everyone during our upbringing days makes us behave in such a manner that leads to mostly confusion, and this disadvantage of our fears is used by career advisors to pay their bills. The marketing strategy is very simple "The growing number of social pressure the more their business grows".

You might be curious how a random blog about counselling can claim that people helping with professional guidance are just vague and nothing but only a money sucker from your pocket. So let's start with, How do many counselling agencies arrive on a decision ?. They recommend any person by analyzing them on the basis of tools created. These tools generally fall into three categories: interest inventories, personality inventories, and aptitude tests.
Interest inventories are usually based on the premise that if you have similar interests to people in an occupation who like their job, you will probably like that occupation also.   Personality Inventories are usually based on the premise that if you have the same trait that will be used for the job occupation, you will probably like that occupation also. Aptitude Tests usually encompasses your mental capability skills and compare with the job occupations that is compatible with you the most. For further information on this methodology refer. Long Story short all these tools developed to examine someone's professional life decision is done by assessing the points kept for each activity and likewise, the most suitable career path for you is suggested. You might be wondering why such types of analysis can result as false for decision-making because we are Humans by nature and adapting, understanding, evolving is our main ability. So it is pretty much clear that the basis on which a counsellor gives advice to someone is of less importance which many people rely on. "As these traits changes from time-to-time in every individual" and most dependent on where, how, which people we spent our time with. All these can be changed if your desire to pursue some choices in life is more than fear of failure. Now you might be thinking Does suggestions provided by counsellor will be able to satisfy me more as it has come from analysis than the path you have thought of like your dream one. So let me tell you one more thing that full job satisfaction can't be achieved in your dream career also and the same goes for the path chosen by those students guided by the counsellor one. All because of many reasons my friend but believe me, Work-life balance also matters too in the long run.
You might be thinking What is the best fit in your career path for yourself depends on many factors and also changes from person to person which I will be covering in my further blog posts. And if you are thinking about the right career path for your life. This answer is not known and also cannot be explained clearly by any of the counsellors because no one knows you better than yourself. My only advice to you is no one knows how much sugar someone needs in cup until the cup is their own one. So be responsible make your own cup of tea instead of wasting your hard-earned money on career counsellor. If you enjoyed this post, I'd very grateful if you'd help it spread by emailing it to a friend or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn or any social media platform within your reach to make fruitful from these posts and make a new world altogether.                              Stay Tuned Stay Updated...………


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